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Send your abstract/paper

Please, send your abstracts until

June 14, 2024 in doc/word format to address 



Proposals for individual papers and posters are evaluated by a team of reviewers according to each of the following criteria:

  • Title: clear description of presentation and its contents

  • Conciseness, coherence, clarity and focus of presentation

  • Methodology: research design if an empirical study, including clearly stated questions, data sources, data collection procedures, analytic approach and results

  • Relevance, currency, appropriateness and significance of the topic/issue/problem

  • Theoretical orientation  and/or practical application to the field

  • Originality

Factors Affecting Selection

Congress committee seeks to bring together individuals from around the world examining the topic of conference from various perspectives. Therefore, an important factor in selection is programme balance. The Conference Scientific Committee will seek such balance in: 

  • Range and significance of topics

  • Level of expertise

  • Interests covered

  • Relevance of the proposal to the needs of the Conference’s theme

  • Clear and concise description of the paper/poster presentation, conveying the paper’s importance and significance in the field

  • Evidence of a high standard of research and/or practice (where applicable)

It is recommended that you read the above criteria carefully and refer to them as you are drafting your proposal. 

Factors Disqualifying a Proposal

  • The presentation promotes commercial interests

  • The proposal is not completed according to the guidelines outlined in this call for participation (see relevant link)

  • The proposal was not received at conference website by the appropriate deadline


Full text submission is not mandatory

We can publish only abstracts also

If you want to us to publish your full text in proceedings book please send your full text between June 20-30, 2024 to congress email adress

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